It is time to save land for Agroecology!

ALPA is about earth, land, people, farming and health.

ALPA secures equitable access to land to those who have a strong desire to enter the fascinating profession of agroecological farming. By agroecology we refer not only to organic food production, though also at caring for the social and natural environment in which this takes place.

ALPA is active in Transylvania - Romania, in the bio-region between Cluj Napoca (Transylvania’s main city) and the Apuseni National Park. In Romanian this region is called Țara Calatei, in Hungarian Kalatozeg, and ever more people refer to it as ‘The Golden Circle’, because of it's high socio-ecological value.

Because our region is home to some of Europe’s highest biodiversity, a natural treasure of immense importance to both the local and the global level, to deeply rooted cultures and traditions and abundant regenerative opportunities, it can serve as a blueprint towards the transition to a climate and people friendly planet.

ALPA supports (future) farmers

who wish to maintain and develop Romania’s agroecological human scale agriculture.

ALPA secures land and farms

through donations and rents them to human-scale agroecological farmers.

ALPA creates the possibility

for farmers, donors and citizens to work together in securing the local production of healthy food to feed the people, while taking great care of the natural environment.

ALPA is constantly guided by the European Access to Land Network.

ALPA is officially registered as a Non-Profit Organisation based in Romania.


Access to Land

To ethically acquire land and farms or gain management rights for land in order to provide access to these to small agroecological farmers and peasants.



To promote agroecological farming practices through the facilitation of trainings as well as to support a growing network of agroecological training centers.


Nature protection

To protect the natural environment and the exceptionally high biodiversity of plants, animals and heterogeneity of socio-ecological landscapes in Romania.


Local circular economies

To provide jobs in rural areas, protect the common lands, connect local food producers with local food consumers and support the resilience of vibrant communities.



To facilitate access to information about national and EU-regulation and funding opportunities as well as training and education in farm management and agroecological food production.

ALPA community

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Brândușa Birhala

Brîndușa is trained in environmental governance and rural development, works for small farmer rights and runs her own CSA (community supported agriculture) farm.

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Lars Veraart

Lars is a veterinarian from The Netherlands, lives with his family as a agroecological farmer in Transylvania where he co-founded Provision Transylvania, a living and learning center for regenerative living and nonviolence.

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Attila Szocs

Attila Szőcs, co-founder, land stewardship expert, environmental engineer and agroecology consultant

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Sjoerd Wartena

Sjoerd co-founded Terre de Liens, the original Access to Land organisation in Europe. He also worked for the establishment of the European Network for Access to Land for Agroecology.

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Li An Phoa

Li An Phoa is a watershed system’s thinker & actor. She initiates projects on landscapes, food and water and mobilises experts and citizens in watersheds towards Drinkable Rivers, indicators for healthy living. Her websites: DrinkableRivers and SpringCollege.

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Robyn Bors

Robyn is a trained psychotherapist and music- and Gestalt therapist and certified NonViolent Communication trainer. She is co-founder of Provision Transylvania, a living and learning center for regenerative living and nonviolence.

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Ivo Valkenburg

RIP Juli 2022. We are deeply grateful for the support we have received from Ivo over the initial ALPA years. His enthusiasm and love for our mission will always resonate through our work.

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Cristian Gherghel

Cristian is both a musician and web designer. Besides his professional life, he is also specialised in coordinating and managing artistic events, and gather people under the same vision